What We Do

At Dawnstar Gaming CIC, we organise and run roleplaying and other games for the enjoyment and benefit of the community.

We currently run an after-school Dungeons & Dragons club at Ashley High School. This has been incredibly popular with the students, with over 20 students having already participated.

What We Have Planned

As a new company, we have a great many plans for the future!

Beginner Sessions

Join an introductory game to learn the rules and get a feel for the game without commitment to a longer campaign.


Join a single-session campaign to experience the thrill of a short-lived adventure with like-minded people

Weekly Games

Join a group to play for several hours each week to develop your character and tell a story with other players

DM Training

Learn how to become a Dungeon Master and create your own content for others to enjoy.

Our Gaming Resource Library

As well as organising sessions, we are currently building a gaming resource library for our community to use. This includes:


Whether you're a beginner looking to learn the rules or a seasoned veteran seeking new inspiration, our library offers a wide selection of Dungeons & Dragons books for your perusal.


Our collection of dice offers a range of colourful and unique designs to add a touch of personality to your games.


We are always on the lookout to build a collection of appropriate miniatures for use in our games. We also use digital tokens for use with digital maps.

Gaming Accessories

We offer everything you need to play games, from pencils and paper to dice trays and hand outs. We also incorporate the use of digital displays and sound effects.

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